Houssay bernardo biography of michael

  • Ano ang glucose

  • Ano ang glucose

  • Bernardo Alberto Houssay (April 10, – September 21, ) was an Argentine physiologist. Houssay was a co-recipient of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for discovering the role played by pituitary hormones in regulating the amount of glucose in animals, sharing the prize with Carl Ferdinand Cori and Gerty Cori.
  • Houssay bernardo biography of michael Bernardo Alberto Houssay was an Argentine physiologist and corecipient, with Carl and Gerty Cori, of the 1947 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.
    Houssay bernardo biography of michael jackson A 1947 Nobel Prize winner, Bernardo Alberto Houssay is known for his research on the role that pituitary hormones play in sugar metabolism.
    Biography of michael jackson Bernardo Houssay.
    Houssay bernardo biography of michael jordan This article delves into the remarkable life and contributions of.

    Another name for glucose

    Bernardo Alberto Houssay was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 10, , one of the eight children of Dr. Albert and Clara (née Laffont) Houssay, who had come to Argentina from France. His father was a barrister. His early education was at a private school, the Colegio Británico.
      Date of birth 10 April 1887 ; Place Buenos Aires, Argentina (America) ; Nomination 28 October 1936 ; Field Physiology ; Title Professor of Physiology, University of.
    Bernardo A Houssay was an Argentinean physiologist who created the first school of medical research in Argentina and brought it to world attention.
      Bernardo Houssay is a physiologist from Argentina who received the Nobel Prize for Physiology in 1947.
    Bernardo Alberto Houssay was an Argentine physiologist and corecipient, with Carl and Gerty Cori, of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. He was noted for discovering how pituitary hormones regulate the amount of blood sugar (glucose) in animals.


      Bernardo A. Houssay (b. 10 April ; d. 21 September ), Argentine physiologist, teacher, and researcher, Latin America 's first Nobel laureate in science. Born to a French family in Buenos Aires, Houssay studied and, beginning in , taught medicine at the University of Buenos Aires.

    Biochemistry glucose

    A Nobel Prize winner, Bernardo Alberto Houssay is known for his research on the role that pituitary hormones play in sugar metabolism, which helped towards providing an effective treatment for diabetes. He was the first Latin American and Argentine to receive the Nobel Prize.

  • houssay bernardo biography of michael
    1. Argentina flag

    Bernardo Alberto Houssay () was the first Latin American to receive the Nobel Prize in the area of medicine or physiology (). He did this thanks to his studies on the pituitary lobe and the role it played in the chemical and biological changes that carbohydrates undergo.

    The part played by the hormone of the anterior pituitary lobe in the metabolism of sugar,

    Bernardo Houssay a szénhidrátanyagcserét illető felfedezéseiért ben, Carl Corival és Gerty Corival megosztva elnyerte az orvostudományi Nobel-díjat. Ezenfelül 25 egyetem fogadta díszdoktorává, 15 egyetem tiszteletbeli tanárává, tagja volt 38 tudományos akadémiának és 16 biológiai, 7 élettani és 5 kardiológiai.
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  • Bernardo Alberto Houssay | Nobel Prize, Endocrinology ... Early life. Bernardo Alberto Houssay was born April 10, , in Buenos parents Albert and Clara Houssay were immigrants from France.A precocious youngster, he was admitted to the Pharmacy School at the University of Buenos Aires at 14 years of age and subsequently to the Faculty of Medicine of the same university at 17 years old and was there from to
  • Bernardo Alberto Houssay - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ... Bernardo Alberto Houssay (April 10, – September 21, ) was an Argentine physiologist. Houssay was a co-recipient of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or.
  • Bernardo Houssay - Wikipedia, entziklopedia askea. Bernardo Alberto Houssay ( dubna Buenos Aires – září Buenos Aires) byl argentinský fyziolog, nositel Nobelovy ceny za fyziologii a lékařství za rok Byla udělena za objevy mechanismů hormonální regulace hladiny cukru v krvi a druhou polovinu Nobelovy ceny toho roku získali Carl Ferdinand Cori a Gerty Coriová.

  • Glucose functions

    Bernardo Houssay. Bernardo Alberto Houssay (April 10, – September 21, ) was an Argentine physiologist. Houssay was a co-recipient of the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for discovering the role played by pituitary hormones in regulating the amount of glucose in animals, sharing the prize with Carl Ferdinand Cori and Gerty Cori.